NEAEN Universal cooking and homogenization pasteurization plant

Example products:

  • Yogurt with pieces, sour cream and other dairy products
  • Jams and marmalades
  • Sauces, gravy, fillings
  • Ready soups and other semi-finished products

This universal cooking and homogenization plant with pasteurization is designed to produce a wide range of food products, from liquid to high-viscosity ones, that have a homogenous structure or contain solids up to 15 mm (or greater upon request).

The plant carries out the following processes:

  • cooking (at atmospheric pressure or under vacuum)
  • homogenization
  • blending
  • pasteurization
  • aseptic cooling (optional)

The plant includes:

a cooking tank, which depending on the product and the needs of the customer can be designed for working under vacuum or at atmospheric pressure with a thermal insulation layer and heating system (tubular electric heater, steam, or gas); and a frame agitator. For producing products that tend to stick or burn, the agitator is equipped with a teflon scraper for continuous cleaning of the walls of the cooking tank. The lid of the cooking tank can be conveniently raised on supports.

Loading funnel with access platform for convenient adding of ingredients

The rotor/stator homogenizer grinds and homogenizes products up to 3 microns. The homogenizer can be integrated into a circuit for recirculating the product or directly into the cooking tank. It ensures intensive recirculation of the product and additional heating by converting mechanical energy into heat.

When working with products that should include solids, the product is piped out without going through the homogenizer.

Pasteurizer scraped or pasteurization cooling unit.

The ready product is piped through a holding tank into the scraped-surface pasteurization plant, which efficiently handles liquid and viscous products, including ones with solids up to 15 mm.

Depending on the required process, after pasteurization the product is fed to packaging or is aseptically cooled in the second section of the scrapped surface pasteurization/cooling plant.

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  • Universal application – you can produce a large variety of different products in a single plant.
  • Adding ingredients is convenient and the plant is easy to maintain and clean.
  • It’s hygienic: high-quality materials used, thorough cleaning of the welding seams, and no dead zones. The plant is easy to clean after the end of the cooking cycle with detergents.
  • It’s economical. The blending, cooking, homogenizing, and pasteurization processes proceed with maximum efficiency and minimal energy and time costs.
  • Any heating source is possible
  • The configuration can be changed and any other additional options can be specified at the customer’s request.

See also - Pasteurization sterilization equipment

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